Turning 3 for Oakley

Sunday will bring the Royals to the ALDS Game 3 (Let’s GO ROYALS!) and our family to the celebration and recognition of Oakley’s Birthday 3.IMG_4156

Oakley was born on 10-11-12 which means for the last THREE WHOLE YEARS, I have been:IMG_2529

  • Carrying Oaks in my arms, or on one hip
  • Reading 6-10 books aloud daily
  • Rocking in our rocking chair ( A precious gift from Drew’s grandpa-christened by Eli and Andi. The comfort and coziness, cuddles, Curious George books, and occasional crying are all held in the beige rocker we cherish.)
  • Saying, “Drew! Look!” and pointing out something cute, smart, precious, or fun that Oaks is doing
  • Watching Eli laugh at something Oakley does and help him out.
  • Watching Andi play with Oakley and bring him into her worlds
  • Singing songs in my voice that brings adults to cringing but my children, so graciously, to smiles and sleepy send-offsIMG_1614
  • Strapping him into carseats (only after E and A could buckle themselves did I go ahead and have a baby and start all over in the car seat category!)
  • Watching in awe as he sees something in the world or someone else and lets it light up his whole face with joy.
  • Saying, “Thank you” as Oakley is a gift for which I feel undeservedly blessed.IMG_1706
  • Making food for Oaks that will help him grow.
  • Balancing a baby/toddler and working from home.
  • Asking for help from family and friends who have stepped in care for Oaks when I’m working or away.
  • Smiling
  • Loving having 3 kids and being our family.
  • Wondering if I’m doing okay as a mom.
  • Sharing Oakley with Parent’s Day Out teachers, Jacob’s Well volunteers, babysitters Emma, Carly, and Abby, and our family. Hearing what other people notice in Oaks affirms or deepens my understanding of who he is and where he’s heading.
  • Holding Oaks in tears.IMG_1884
  • Hugging Oaks in early morning exuberance.
  • Sneaking peaks and back rubs while he sleeps.
  • Playing with Oaks- keeping up with his energy and imagination best I can.
  • Taking deep Mom breaths and wondering why I get so overwhelmed
  • Balancing 2 kids in school and one at home.
  • Giving Oaks prayers and blessings.
  • Enjoying simple days at home just me and Oaks.
  • Taking him to non-kid places that I have to go
  • Affirming Andi’s wise words a year ago at his party: “Good thing we have Oaks!”IMG_2007
  • Welcoming the chaos, loving the surprises, treasuring the wonder, marking the moments, paying better attention in my mom maturity, making mistakes, kissing, laughing, taking notes, being outside, and being so so grateful that he is mine, and ours, and 3 big-boy-years-old.IMG_3136IMG_4066

I celebrate Oaks as a gift and pray God grows Oakley up secure in God’s great love for him in Christ, and gives Oaks reminders of the presence and power of the Spirit to help, heal, and offer hope to the world.

We love you Oakley Andrew Osborne!


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